

你的房间可以是私密的,也可以是半私密的. The charge is the same and the Admissions Department staff can quote the room rate. If you have a preference, please let us know, and we will honor your request when possible.

护理 personnel helps you get settled in your room and helps you put away your personal items. 防止损坏或损失, we urge you to send home anything you do not need, 特别的衣服, 贵重物品, 和金钱. The hospital has a safe for money or small 贵重物品. The hospital is responsible for what is in the safe but not for items you choose to keep in the room or at the bedside. 如果你需要保险箱里的东西, 你必须以书面形式提出要求, 合适的人会拿给你的.

护理 personnel shows you how to work your bed, bed equipment, television, and call button. When you need help, push the call button and your 护士 answers as soon as possible. All patient bathrooms and showers have an emergency pull cord. A light flashes at the nursing station to alert your 护士 that you need help.


Your daily routine may vary, but many patients can expect the following:

  • 在早晨, 你的医疗团队来找你了, 这通常包括你的主治医生吗, 护士, 住院医师或实习生, 医科学生. Others, such as a social worker, physical therapist, pharmacist, or dietitian, may also attend.
  • Later your 护士 helps you bathe, if you need help, and change your sheets if needed. 他或她可以:
    • 给你药
    • Perform treatments (such as dressing changes) as ordered by your doctor
    • 量一下你的体温、脉搏或血压
  • You may have blood drawn or be taken to another department for a test or treatment as needed.


Your doctor prescribes the type of diet you need to follow during your stay. A food and nutrition services representative helps you to choose the food and beverages that are allowed on your diet. On some units, a host delivers a paper menu for you to choose your next day’s selections. On other units, a dietetic aide visits you with their computer and helps you make your selections. All patients may also call directly to the Dietitians Office at extension 5-5903 to make choices for the next meal.


在您逗留期间, 如果你对你的饮食有特别的疑问, please ask to speak with a registered dietitian or dietetic technician. After you are discharged, if you have questions about your nutritional needs, call the 营养师的办公室.


  • 早餐 选择可从6:30到10:00上午. Usual breakfast delivery to the patient units is 7:00 to 8:00 am.
  • 早上吃零食 是上午10点到11点吗
  • 午餐 选择是从上午11点到下午2点. Usual lunch delivery to the patient units is 11:30 am to 12:30 pm.
  • 下午的零食 是下午两点到四点半吗.
  • 晚餐 选择可从4:30到7:00 PM. Usual dinner delivery to the patient units is 4:30 to 5:30 pm.
  • 晚上和过夜 beverage and snacks are available between 7:00 pm and 6:30 am, on all patient units.


每个房间都有电视,不另收费. You may view many network channels as well as DHMC programs on patient education, 放松, 宾戈游戏, 还有教堂礼拜仪式. If you would like to use the closed caption option, your 护士 can tell you how to access it. If you have a roommate who is trying to rest, please keep the volume low.



每个房间都有电话. If you have trouble hearing, please tell your doctor or 护士. He or she can bring you an amplified telephone or will call 603-650-7777 to order a telecommunications device for the deaf (TTY/TDD).

给病房打电话, 从内部或外部, 不要在晚上11点到早上7点之间通过.

Public telephones for visitors are located throughout the medical center. Please ask your 护士 for the location of the nearest public phone.

We ask you not to use cell phones or other radio frequency-transmitting devices in any critical care area, or where signs are posted prohibiting use of cell phones. You may use cell phones in the rest of the hospital.

  • To call another patient or a department within the hospital, dial 00 and an operator can give you the number.
  • 拨打本地电话请先拨32,再拨号码. 打本地电话不收费.
  • 长途电话, you may place your call collect or use your phone card. If you dial 32-0-area code (including NH) and the number you wish to reach, you are be given a choice of how you want your call to be charged. Long-distance calls cannot be charged to your hospital bill.
  • Friends and family outside the medical center can reach you by calling 603-650-5000 要你的电话号码.


病人 who have their own devices with wireless connections can log into our guest network. 不向患者提供笔记本电脑. Due to security issues, personal computers must have approved antivirus software installed.


Mail is delivered at 10:00 am and 3:00 pm weekdays. If you want to send a letter, your 护士 can mail it. If mail arrives after you have gone home, it is forwarded to your home address.

Each afternoon, volunteers deliver 花 and plants sent to patients from family and friends. They may also bring you a plant or bouquet donated by the Hanover Garden Club. 请注意植物和 are not permitted in the intensive care units or some isolation rooms.


Books and magazines are available through Volunteer 服务 at 603-650-7056.


Puzzles, board games, playing cards are available through Volunteer 服务 by calling 603-650-7056.


Bingo is televised on Tuesday afternoons from 2:00 to 3:00 pm on channel 15. 宾果牌是放在早餐托盘上的. 奖品将在节目结束后发放.