
For information about parking, 停车援助, 轮椅, 停车场和地形图, 公共交通, 看到 parking, transportation, and maps.


我们相信家庭, 朋友, and others who provide support are important for a patient's healing process. In fact, they are a vital part of the health care team.

病人 admitted to any of our facilities or being 看到n at any of our clinics or other community sites may have visitors at any time. However, there may be times when visits need to be limited.

为了提供一个安全, 安静的, healing environment for our patients, we may ask families and visitors to adjust their visit times. In those cases, we use the following guidelines:

  • There may be times when visits by family and 朋友 are not in the best interest of the patient or others in their environment, such as when they or their roommate are in need of more rest.
  • If there is an outbreak, such as the flu, visitors may be limited. 游客 may be told about necessary precautions and given directions to follow for that situation.
  • Keeping noise levels low is important to promote a healing environment. (Be sure to speak in hushed tones when you visit.)
  • Please be aware of the number of visitors at any one time and the level of noise.
  • For their safety, visiting children must be supervised by a visiting adult.
  • While we cannot routinely accommodate overnight stays by minors under the age of 18, we recognize there may be special circumstances. (Please feel free to talk with us about your needs.)
  • Some care units may have specific requests for visitors in order to create the best healing space for their patients. Please consider the length and hour of your visits.

If you have questions about our visitor policy, please contact Lebanon Patient and Family Relations. We are happy to discuss your concerns.

Checking on the condition of a patient

Upon admission to the hospital, the family spokesperson will be given special directions for calling or a special family code. 如果提供了代码, it will be required to be read back to the nurse before any information is given out over the phone. This is to protect the patient’s privacy outlined in the federal privacy rule (HIPAA). We ask that only one or two people call with the family code to get information.

If you do not want any information given out about you or your condition, call Patient Access Support 服务 at 603-650-5999. 也看到 患者病情报告, which addresses inquiries by the media about patients' conditions.


As a patient you have the right to courteous, respectful, and confidential treatment. 请浏览我们的 患者权利与隐私 页,其中包括:

  • 私隐措施通知
  • 你作为病人的权利
  • Your responsibilities as a patient

Lodging assistance (Rest Easy Program)

To accommodate those traveling long distances, we have developed the Rest Easy Program to provide basic information about local lodging facilities (within a 12-mile radius of Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center) that have expressed a willingness to offer specially discounted rates, 当可用的, to assist in meeting the needs of patients, 他们的家庭, and 朋友 who wish to stay overnight close to the medical center. Learn more about the Rest Easy Program.


If you are far from home or have few visitors, you might enjoy the company of a volunteer visitor. The volunteer can write letters for you, 大声朗读, 玩纸牌或棋盘游戏, 或者只是和你聊天.

Palliative care volunteers have received special training and can be called upon to offer a variety of services such as providing the emotional support of companionship and a listening presence, 给病人读书, assisting with writing or artwork/crafts, providing CDs or DVDs and other helpful tasks. 志愿者 assure the 'extended presence' of all those who are caring for the patient and provide support and comfort, particularly when the fear of being alone is an issue. For further information, or to schedule a volunteer visit, please call the 姑息治疗计划.
