
We offer pain relief procedures for conditions that affect areas of your body, including:


If you have chronic pain and do not experience adequate pain relief from other approaches, 我们可能会推荐IDDS治疗.

IDDS is a system that sends pain medicine directly to the spinal cord via a pump. Through surgery, we implant the IDDS into the intrathecal space of your spinal canal.



We give this injection under X-ray guidance to target nerve fibers that carry pain signals.

This procedure can help reduce painful conditions, such as:

  • 远端尿道
  • 会阴部疼痛
  • 直肠、肛门疼痛
  • 阴囊疼痛
  • 尾椎骨(coccydynia)
  • 阴道


This procedure is a minimally invasive, non-surgical treatment to relieve knee pain. If you suffer from chronic knee pain and other conventional therapies have failed, 你可能适合做这个手术.

We perform this procedure in two phases: a test procedure followed by a therapeutic procedure.

  1. 膝神经阻滞诊断
    The purpose of this procedure is to test the percentage of pain relief you receive. We use a local anesthetic and X-ray guidance to target the nerves that supply sensation to your knees.

    We ask you to carry on normal activities that usually aggravate your knee pain. We also ask you to record your pain score for several hours after you have completed the procedure. You feel the effects of the procedure almost immediately, but it wears off after a few hours—这很正常. This procedure is to let your doctor know if the actual ablation procedure will work for your knee pain.
  2. 膝神经消融
    This procedure uses radiofrequency ablation to stun painful nerves and prevent signals from reaching the brain.

    如果你的疼痛得到了显著缓解 膝神经阻滞诊断,那么你就适合做这个手术. This procedure results in longer-lasting pain relief.

    Soreness at the site of injection is common and can last several days before you start to achieve pain relief.

    The effectiveness of this procedure can last from 6 to 24 months. 慢慢地,神经又长回来了. If your knee pain returns after six months, you can have this procedure again.


The ilioinguinal nerve originates from the lower lumbar spinal nerve. This nerve wraps above the iliac crest (the upper ridge of the hip bone) and travels into the groin. It provides sensation to the upper inner thigh and perineum.

Surgery, trauma, or infection can cause damage to the ilioinguinal nerve. Common symptoms include severe pain in the groin, testes (men), labia (women), and inner thigh areas.

If medications fail to provide adequate pain relief, then we perform ultrasound-guided ilioinguinal nerve block. This treatment is both diagnostic and therapeutic. The injection includes both local anesthetic and a steroid, 哪一种能持久缓解疼痛.


If you suffer from chest wall or upper abdomen pain that has failed to improve with time or medication, 你可以成为这个手术的候选人.

肋间神经在每根肋骨下面. With X-ray and ultrasound guidance, we place a small needle to target the intercostal nerve bundle. We inject a small amount of local anesthetic and steroid to provide pain relief.

Common conditions treated with this procedure include:

  • 乳房切除术后的慢性疼痛
  • Post-herpetic神经痛
  • Post-thoracotomy syndrome (pain after chest surgery)
  • 肋骨骨折


The lateral femoral cutaneous nerve is a branch of the lumbar spinal nerves. These nerves travel under the inguinal ligament and provide sensation to the lateral (outer side) of the thigh. When this nerve becomes pinched, it can result in numbness, tingling, or pain in the lateral thigh.

当疼痛对医疗治疗无效时, we may recommend the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve block. This nerve block at the site of the pinched nerve can provide both diagnostic and therapeutic advantages.

We perform the injection with ultrasound guidance. We also use a local anesthetic and steroid around the nerve to provide pain relief.


梨状肌注射s target the piriformis muscle located in the lower buttocks and above the tailbone. We refer to the straining of this muscle as piriformis syndrome. Tightness in the area can contribute to symptoms of sciatica.

A piriformis injection consists of injecting a local anesthetic and steroid around the sciatic nerve in the piriformis muscle. This procedure helps reduce irritation and inflammation of the nerve caused by the muscle strain.

We can perform this procedure either by ultrasound guidance or X-ray imaging guidance.


We inject a numbing agent and a steroid into one or both of the SI joints. 骶髂关节连接骨盆骨和脊柱. This injection may help pinpoint if your pain is coming from the SI joint and may also ease this pain.