
内分泌科照顾有激素问题的病人. 内分泌系统产生身体正常工作所需的激素. Glands in the endocrine system 包括甲状腺、甲状旁腺、垂体和肾上腺等.

条件 we treat

我们诊断、评估和治疗许多与激素相关的疾病. 许多这些情况是由内分泌系统产生的激素太少或太多引起的. Some of the conditions we treat include:

  • Addison's disease 当肾上腺不能产生足够的身体正常工作所需的激素时发生. This affects the balance of water, 钠, and potassium in the body, 并损害其控制血压和应对压力的能力.
  • 肾上腺肿瘤 are abnormal growths on the adrenal glands. Most are benign (non-cancerous), and are called adenomas. Malignant adrenal growths (cancers) are rare.
  • Cholesterol disorders include hyperlipidemia, and hypolipidemia. 胆固醇是生命所必需的,存在于包括人类在内的所有动物的体细胞中. Your body needs cholesterol to work properly. 高脂血症 意味着你血液中的脂肪(脂质)含量异常高. 这会使你面临许多健康问题的风险,包括心脏病发作和中风. It is sometimes called high blood cholesterol. 低脂血症 means you have an unusually low level of fat in your blood. It is sometimes called low blood cholesterol.
  • Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) is an inherited disorder that is present at birth. It affects the adrenal glands, 导致他们产生低水平的激素皮质醇和醛固酮, and high levels of male sex hormones (androgens). There are two forms of CAH: 非经典的 (the most common and least severe), and 经典. Non-经典 CAH is one of the most common genetic disorders.
  • 康涅狄格州的疾病 肾上腺分泌过多醛固酮是一种疾病吗. 它通常是由肾上腺良性(非癌性)肿瘤引起的.
  • Cushing's syndrome 肾上腺分泌过多皮质醇是一种疾病吗. 它通常是由垂体的良性(非癌性)肿瘤引起的.
  • 糖尿病 是一种以血液中葡萄糖(糖)含量高为特征的疾病吗. Over the last few decades, 这种情况在美国已经变得相对普遍,超过1800万美国人患有糖尿病,其中大多数是2型糖尿病. People can acquire 糖尿病 at any age. 我们的 糖尿病项目 supports the full range of 糖尿病 care, including dietary counseling, insulin pumps and a wide range of 糖尿病 educational activities.
  • 甲状腺机能亢进 is the most common cause of hyperthyroidism, 这意味着甲状腺产生的激素比身体需要的要多. 它是由自身免疫性疾病引起的,身体的免疫系统会破坏自己的组织.
  • Growth hormone disorder (肢端肥大症)是骨骼等器官正常生长完成后,脑垂体分泌生长激素的一种病症. 在几乎所有的病例中,它都是由垂体的良性(非癌性)肿瘤引起的.
  • Hyperparathyroidism (甲状旁腺激素过量)一个或多个甲状旁腺分泌过多激素的情况. This can lead to osteoporosis, or loss of bone density.
  • 垂体机能减退 是一种脑下垂体不能产生一种或多种激素的情况吗, or is producing them at lower than normal levels. 这些激素刺激其他内分泌腺产生它们的激素. 例如, 如果脑下垂体不能分泌促甲状腺激素(TSH), the thyroid gland doesn't work correctly. 垂体机能减退 is a rare disorder.
  • 甲状腺机能亢进 (甲状腺激素过量)是指甲状腺分泌的激素超过身体所需.
  • 甲状腺功能减退 (低甲状腺激素)是指甲状腺产生的激素少于身体所需的情况.
  • Male hypogonadism (低睾丸激素)是由男性睾丸不能产生正常水平的男性性激素引起的, 睾酮. 有些男性天生就患有性腺功能减退症,而另一些人则可能在晚年患上这种疾病. There are two kinds of male hypogonadism: primary hypogonadism, in which the testes do not work properly, and secondary hypogonadism, in which the testes are not being stimulated to produce hormones. 这是因为脑下垂体或下丘脑腺的问题,比如肿瘤.
  • 男性不育 男性生殖系统出现问题是一对夫妇在定期节育后无法怀孕的原因吗, unprotected sexual intercourse for a year. Infertility affects men and women equally. 关于 half of infertility problems are caused by male infertility.
  • Metabolic syndrome 是一种包括身体代谢紊乱的状况吗. 新陈代谢指的是你的身体如何从你所吃的食物中产生能量. Metabolic syndrome includes high 血压, insulin resistance, 肥胖, and high levels of "bad" cholesterol in your blood. 所有这些情况都会增加你患心脏病的风险, 肾脏疾病, 糖尿病, or having a stroke.
  • Multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN) is the name of three rare, 导致额外组织(增生)或腺瘤(肿瘤)在内分泌腺上生长的遗传性疾病. 这可能会导致几个内分泌腺体同时变得过度活跃(产生过多的激素). 三种类型的男人是1型(最常见),2A型和2B型. 最常受影响的腺体是甲状旁腺、胰腺和垂体.
  • 骨质疏松症 骨质流失的钙质比补充的钙质多是一种情况吗. 健康的骨骼是一种活组织,主要由钙和蛋白质组成. As such, bone is always gaining and losing cells. 当骨骼失去过多的钙时,它们的密度就会降低,从而变得脆弱. Weak bones tend to break more easily.
  • 垂体肿瘤 are abnormal growths on the pituitary gland. Most are benign (non-cancerous), and are called adenomas. Even though they are benign, 这种腺瘤如果产生过多的垂体激素,就会引起严重的症状, or grow large enough to press on the brain or nearby nerves.
  • 前驱糖尿病 (高血糖症)是指一个人的血糖(葡萄糖)水平高于正常水平, but not high enough to be classified as 糖尿病. 糖尿病前期患者有患2型糖尿病的风险. 然而, by making some lifestyle changes, 糖尿病前期患者可以降低患2型糖尿病的风险.
  • 甲状腺结节 are lumps or growths on the thyroid gland. They are fairly common, especially among people over 50. 在大多数情况下, these growths are benign (non-cancerous), but about five percent of thyroid nodules may be malignant, 或癌变.

Glands that produce hormones


  • The pituitary gland 大约豌豆大小,位于大脑底部. It controls the production of hormones in all endocrine glands. The pituitary gland secretes hormones that regulate growth, 性功能, and the body's balance of fluids.
  • The adrenal glands are located on the top of your kidneys. They produce adrenaline, 皮质醇, 醛固酮, 以及其他能让身体对压力做出反应的类固醇激素.
  • The thyroid gland 是在颈部中心,喉结下面发现了一个蝴蝶形状的器官吗. It creates and stores hormones that control the body's heart rate, 血压, and metabolism (how the body makes energy from food).
  • The parathyroid glands control the level of calcium in your blood. 这四个小腺体位于颈部,在甲状腺的角落.