Addiction Treatment Program

我们的成瘾治疗项目为成人提供全面的评估服务和强化门诊项目(IOP). We offer state-of-the-art evaluation, 治疗, 以及为寻求药物使用和相关疾病帮助的人提供转诊服务. 请 立即十大网赌平台推荐.


  • Comprehensive evaluation
  • Individual outpatient therapy
  • Co-occurring 治疗
  • Psychiatric evaluation and psychopharmacology

治疗方案的重点是通过研究开发新知识. 我们是关于最佳治疗和预防方法知识的循证资源. 我们与社区资源密切合作,以确保患者的持续健康和成长, 社区, 和现场.




Learn about the 康复中的妈妈们 program


“门口”将你与物质滥用支持、服务和照顾联系起来,这是适合你的. “门道”与其他区域办事处合作,确保在不到一小时的路程内提供帮助.

Learn about 门口

Frequently asked questions

When and where are services provided?


The program is open Monday through Thursday. Evaluations are available through open access. 病人 do not need a referral. Evaluations are available mornings and afternoons, Monday through Thursday. While no appointment is necessary for an evaluation, 请致电成瘾治疗计划,以核实任何一天的可用性.

Groups are offered throughout the day, including during evening hours. Individual 治疗 sessions are available by scheduled appointment.

What is the evaluation service?

我们的评估服务旨在评估个人的需求,并将个人与适当的治疗类型相匹配. Evaluation includes a clinical interview focused on substance use history, medical interview as needed, 尿液毒理学, and breath analysis. 接受评估的人和转诊医生(如果有的话)会收到有关治疗建议的及时反馈.

What is the 治疗 philosophy and model?

Our program believes everyone can get better. After an assessment, 推荐的治疗方法与确定的成瘾障碍的严重程度相匹配. 强化门诊项目涵盖了一段时间,如果病人按计划参加小组和个人会议,他们就能取得重大进展. 治疗结合了动机、行为、复发预防和12步促进. 我们的项目还为阿片类药物使用障碍患者提供丁丙诺啡药物辅助治疗(MAT).

治疗中使用的动机模型理论认为,每个参加该计划的人都会在某种程度上准备改变他们的物质使用行为. The "stage of change" will be somewhat different for each participant. 该模型允许每个人以适合自己的速度经历变化阶段,同时不损害团队中的其他人.

The program also involves Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and Relapse Prevention. These parts of the program help patients restructure their thoughts, learn new coping skills, participate in 更换 activities, and form new social support networks to motivate healthier lifestyles.

How is the 治疗 delivered?


  • Intensive 治疗 (6 weeks)
  • Transition to recovery (2 weeks)
  • Continuing care (4 weeks)

干预措施将基于所描述的模型,可以包括精神病学评估和药物治疗. Formats combine individual, 集团, and multifamily sessions, one to three times per week, dependent on the phase of 治疗. 参与者将被期望在治疗过程中加入并增加他们选择的自助计划的参与,并与临床医生一起制定治疗后的持续恢复计划.

What 集团s are offered in the Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)?


  • Mindfulness/Interpersonal Effectiveness (MIE) skills training 集团正念技能训练组采用Marsha Linehan的辩证行为疗法(DBT)材料. 人际关系有效性技能培训采用结构化的技能培训指南,专门针对那些有物质依赖的人的人际关系问题. 这些结构化课程的目标是学习正念技能(例如, Wise Mind and Clear Mind vs. 消极情绪心理和成瘾心理)以及有效处理人际冲突情况的技能.
  • Motivational Enhancement Therapy (MET) 集团MET小组旨在通过设定目标来帮助患者增强改变的动力, examining decisions, and building self-efficacy. Members complete a log assignment during the week. 期望参与者将他们完成的日志带到小组中,以检查会议中教授的特定技能(例如, 深呼吸, mastery/更换 activities, and tracking cravings/敦促). During the evening's check-in, 小组成员被要求对其他小组成员的参与质量给予反馈, participation in their own recovery activities, and their efforts in their recovery in general. 这是一个自我反省的机会,也是为他人提供重要支持的机会.
  • Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT)/Relapse Prevention 集团: CBT helps teach participants to restructure their thinking patterns, learn new coping skills, participate in 更换 activities, and form new social support networks to motivate healthier lifestyles. Groups check in on recovery efforts to date, including the use of avoidance, 更换, and coping skills. Group members fill out activity schedules of their weekly activities. 日程安排包含了对过去一周的回顾,并记录了成员的恢复“活动”(例如, 深呼吸, 瑜伽, 运行, 自助小组, mastery of hobbies, 等.). 小组成员互相展示他们的时间表,并收到建设性的反馈.
  • Relapse Prevention 集团该小组侧重于持续回避、替代活动和应对技能. It includes weekly check-ins around slips, 敦促, 自助, the four pathways to recovery, living in balance, and high-risk situations. 参与者通过启动持续的护理计划来加强他们对康复的承诺, involving themselves in 自助, and making a connection to counseling. 参与者还应积极参与讨论,并提供和接受他人的反馈,以帮助促进复发预防策略.

Who should attend an Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)?

IOP适用于18岁及以上的成年人,他们需要每周治疗一次以上的酒精或药物成瘾,但不需要住院或住院治疗. 这个项目是为那些对酒精或其他物质产生依赖的人准备的, 这种依赖的并发症可以在门诊治疗吗, and who are able and willing to attend the three times per week sessions.


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